Satay Lamb Skewers

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The ingredient of Satay Lamb Skewers

  • 4 about 250g each trim lamb mini roasts
  • 200mls holbrooks spicy satay sauce
  • 75g 1 2 cup crushed roasted peanuts to serve
  • 1 4 cup coarsely chopped fresh coriander to serve

The Instruction of satay lamb skewers

  • cut lamb into 2cm cubes and combine with the holbrooks satay sauce in a glass or ceramic bowl cover and refrigerate for 1 hour to marinate meanwhile soak 16 large bamboo skewers in water remove the skewers from the water preheat grill to medium
  • thread lamb cubes onto the skewers and cook under the preheated grill for 3 minutes each side or until cooked to your liking cool place lamb skewers in an airtight container sprinkle with peanuts and coriander until ready to take on the picnic

Nutritions of Satay Lamb Skewers

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